Cantoria Light fonts

part of Cantoria font family

All Cantoria Light fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Cantoria font family. Please select the Cantoria Light fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Cantoria Light fontCantoria Light$35,00
download Cantoria Light fontCantoria Light$35,00
download Cantoria Light Italic fontCantoria Light Italic$35,00
download Cantoria Light Italic fontCantoria Light Italic$35,00

Background: Cantoria font was designed by type designer Ron Carpenter in 1986. Cantoria MT™ font is the most common font of this family. It is a serif style font with characteristics of “Stone cut letters”. It is distinguished from others by its open forms & large capitals. It is available in 10 different weights. This font offers a large range of possible applications.
Designed 1986 by Ron Carpenter.

Other fonts:
Cantate, Canterbury Old, Canterbury Sans, Cantiga, Cantina, Cantoria, Canvas 3D, Canvas Acrylic, Canvas Basic, Cartier Book, Century 751