Frutiger Serif Medium fonts

part of Frutiger Serif font family

All Frutiger Serif Medium fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Frutiger Serif font family. Please select the Frutiger Serif Medium fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Frutiger Serif Medium fontFrutiger Serif Medium$79,00
download Frutiger Serif Medium Italic fontFrutiger Serif Medium Italic$79,00

Background: Adrian Frutiger was proposed to make a symbol of the Charles de Gaulle Airport at Paris. With this proposal he decided to develop an innovative font that is the Frutiger which is a sans serif type of font. The Frutiger is an exceptional font created by Adrian Frutiger in the year 1968. This is an exceptional font, which is easy to read too for its distinctness. It is perfect to be used in booklets and magazines. The Frutiger is a member of the font family of Linotype.
Designed 1968 by drian Frutiger.

Other fonts:
Frutiger Arabic, Frutiger Capitalis, Frutiger Complete, Frutiger Condensed, Frutiger Next, Frutiger Serif, Frutiger Stones, Frutiger Symbols, Frutiger Value, Gabardine, Gauthier FY